
Long S - 2020, published by Gauss PDF

Your're Magazine Issue #2 - 2018
Regarding automobiles.
feat. Bryce Wilner, Elliott Radner, Nick Strobelt, Marc Matchak, Zoe Sparks, Natalia Panzer, Perry Trollope, Newell Walther, Madalyn Merkey, Temra Pavlovic, Sean Tatol, Kazuma Sasajima, 0100011110001, Alex Harris, Tom Trudgeon, Laurel Schwulst, Rafael Delacruz, Gordon Faylor, & Patrick Scott-Walsh.
5.5"x8.25", 72 pages, ed. of 128. $15 + $2 s&h. Contact hankjwimbleton@gmail.com for Intl ordering information

Black Pin by Sean Tatol - 2017
5"x7", 64 pages, ed. of 125. $11.40.

June 5, 2016
October 16, 2016
January 30, 2020


Aka by Sean Tatol - 2018
Eleven poems. 8.5"x11", ed. of 10.

Hephaestus In Love by Sean Tatol - 2018
Six cards, seven poems. ed. of 32. $4 ppd.

Ida by Sean Tatol - 2018
Foldout pamphlet poem. ed. of 23. $3 ppd.
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Bach by Sean Tatol - 2016
Poem written for the occassion of a poetry reading at Alley Cat Books on October 16, 2016.
8.5"x11", 1 page, cardstock, ed. of 8.

Work by Sean Tatol - 2015
2"x2.5", 3"x3.75", 4"x5", 4.5"x5.625", 5"x6.25", 20 pages, cardstock, ed. of 20. $6.25+s&h.

Your're Magazine Issue #1 - 2015
feat. Maralie, Natalia Panzer, Sean Tatol, Alix Vollum, Rebecca Peel, & Patrick Scott-Walsh.
8.5"x11", 72 pages, ed. of 88.
